Century arms l1a1 sporter
Century arms l1a1 sporter

century arms l1a1 sporter

At a gun show in Portland, Oregon they traded into a Century Arms R1A1, and they knew they had it sold to me as soon as I walked in the door following the gun show. My local gun shop knows my fondness for anything AK, AR, FAL and other similar types of rifles. Some people say it’s a crap shoot to purchase any Century Arms products,but I have to disagree. I’ve owned at least half a dozen, or more, versions of Century’s AKs and loved them all. There is lots of chatter on the ‘net about how poorly the Century Arms AK-47s are made. However, I’ve been extremely lucky in this respect, and I’ve had outstanding luck with most guns from Century Arms – their CETME being the exception – I’ve owned several and they were junk.

century arms l1a1 sporter

Yes, I know the reputation that Century Arms has when it comes to assembling some of their rifles from parts kits, onto new receivers and new barrels. Last I heard, the gun had passed hands several times. However in a moment of weakness, I later sold it – one of those decisions I regretted the moment I did it. Too bad, Springfield Armory doesn’t make their version any longer, it was an outstanding rifle in all respects.Ībout 10 tears ago, I purchased a used Century Arms ( L1A1-model “inch pattern” FAL style rifle from a gun shop in Boise, Idaho – it was an outstanding shooter.

century arms l1a1 sporter

I’ve owned a few FAL-style rifles over the years, and I reviewed the Springfield Armory version on SurvivalBlog last year. I first carried one when I was in Rhodesia, back in 1976. I’ve been a huge fan of the FN/FAL style of battle rifle for many years.

Century arms l1a1 sporter